I've always been honest with all of you. And to be honest, I haven't been feeling like blogging. I wholeheartedly believe in positive reinforcement training for animals. In light of that, I try to live positively and blog positively. And I just haven't been feeling that this summer.
The Rescue C.L.A.S.S. is going very well. (If you are interested in adopting one of these wonderful dogs with their training started, please contact www.spaohio.org.) Other classes in general are going very well. The puppies are thriving and our older dogs are staying healthy and loving life. The kids are good and my husband has a good job and is doing well.
So what's wrong? The attitudes of people who think that being the "alpha" and dominating their dog is a good idea, the people who believe that pit bulls and pit mixes are all bad and should be euthanized, the people who don't work with their dogs thinking they are "too stupid" to learn and bond, the people who assume (and we all know what happens when people assume!), people who continue to refuse to take advantage of our world and its technology and choose to remain ignorant, and the list goes on. Why? Why does it have to be this way? Why can't we all respect each other's opinions? Why can't we be nice to each other? Why can't we be nice to our animals and give them the respect they deserve?
I understand the people who subscribe to pack and dominance theory. I used to be that person. But I think the picture is much bigger, much more global. Scientists have known for years the complexities and the beauty and the grandeur of the animal kingdom. It is an amazing field of study and I hope I am always a willing student.
I know this all sounds like "why can't we just get along" rhetoric. But it's much bigger than that. Our attitudes are affecting our world. We are on the brink of everything changing in our country with the debt crisis. Maybe it's time to actually work together and do what needs to be done. I don't have the answers. I just know if we don't do something positive, we aren't going to have much to offer anyone or any animals.
It's time to pass it on, to commit random acts of kindness, to live positively. Both with humans and animals. Do something nice today for someone or for an animal. If we all do one nice thing, what a HUGE change in the world that would make.