accomplishment ACE Adopt the Internet Day advocate AKC ALIVE Andrea Arden APDT attention aversives Be the Change for Animals beagle beds Bianca bibliophile birthday blessings blog hop BlogPaws board and train Boston Terrier bullied by the blog C-WAGS C.L.A.S.S. call to action CCPDT CDSP certification Certified Pet Dog Trainer change chapter 1 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Christmas Cincinnati click and treat clicker expo clicker training coming when called commitment common sense communication competion coupon cpdt CPDT-KA craft crisis response Dads Daisy decisions dog shows dog training dominance Easter economy emotions empathy equine Face of Crisis facebook family focus food Fortunate Fido Frames of Mind fraud Gardner giving goals group class harness holy week house guest humanity Husker Ian Dunbar individuals instinct integral internet Jade Jean Donaldson joy K9 Chaplains K9 Comfort Dogs Karen Pryor Ken McCort Lake Township Lana Mitchell learning learning theory leash aggression life experience lifestyle training living positively mama beagle Meagan Melissa Alexander minature horse Morgan Specter Mr. Chewy mule Nevada Humane Society Never Shock a Puppy normal Northern Illinois University Open House openminded opportunity pack theory Parents of Murdered Children party Patricia McConnell peace personality pet blogger challenge Pet Blogger Hop Pets without Parents Philadelphia polite greetings POMC positive reinforcement positive reinforcement clicker training precious priorities product review puppies puppy class Rainbow Bridge Rally Obedience relationships relaxing research review rewards routine safe versus dangerous service dogs SPA sports stress success Sue Ailsby Sweet Spots Doggy Ice Cream TDInc. teacher technology The Clicked Retriever therapy dogs thinking time tools tornado toys training plan training tip travel tricks twitter unconditional love video work in progress

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Adopt the Internet Day 2011

I just found out about's Adopt the Internet Day 2011 today (it's been a busy couple of weeks -- not getting much work done beyond the required!).  This is so important to me that I had to take a few minutes to write about it.  

Our dogs have always adopted us.  Huh?  I truly believe this.  Our dogs have all come into our lives, stolen our hearts, and became a part of our family -- usually when we weren't expecting or wanting to get a dog.  Our first dog, Brunswick, was a puppy in the newspaper -- he was a beagle/terrier mix -- we called him the "long haired English beagle." He was a "free" puppy from someone's backyard and he started us on this great journey we continue together as a family.  Our second dog was also in the newspaper -- Samantha was a golden retriever a family had bought from a breeder and then sentenced to a life tied to a dog house out back when she became a strong, people-oriented adolescent.  When we went to see her, we came home soaking wet from all her licking.  She was our original "velcro" dog -- she did not like being away from us at all.  These two dogs were our first forays into training.  We did everything wrong at one time or another, but they were smart and forgiving and helped us to begin shaping our futures in the dog world.

Then we started the journey with the police K-9s.  Our first police dog came to live with us just one month before our youngest daughter, Kendra, was born.  Aik was Ken's once-in-a-lifetime dog.  He loved Ken, Kendra, and working -- in that order.  The rest of us he let be in his life because we were somehow connected to his first three loves.  His stellar career was cut short by a drunk driver (back injury) and he lived the rest of his way-too-short life in reluctant retirement with us.  He was our protector and our friend.  Lordy was the "replacement" for Aik (as if that could ever happen!) and he was a tough transition for all of us.  He was aloof and independent and became the love of all our lives.  He worked hard, played hard, and slept hard.  He lived a long wonderful life and when he retired, he became the biggest love bug ever!  We lost him last June at almost 14 years old.

We continue to rescue and adopt.  Daisy our beagle was turned into the local humane society when she was just 6 weeks old because she was "too much trouble."  She was my Mother's Day present that year and she has showed me what I am meant to do with my life.  She is my once-in-a-lifetime dog -- there will never be another Daisy.  (She will be 9 on Thursday -- Happy Birthday Daisy!!!)  Husker, our golden, was turned into a breed rescue because he "shed and peed."  Who knew?  He helps us to remember every day not to take anything too seriously, to seize the day and to enjoy life.  (He will be 8 at the end of the month -- Happy Birthday Husker!!!)

And now there are the puppies.  The adorable, exasperating, life-changing, always put a smile on your face puppies.  They are almost 5 months old now and they are learning and growing and teaching and reveling in all things new and wonderful every day.  They make us all look at life a little differently.  

Wow!  Dogs change our lives in the blink of an eye!  Our dogs have all found us -- is your dog waiting to find you?  Always keep your options, and your heart, open.  Adopting a new family member may be that change you are wanting or needing; it will definitely change both your life and the life of the animal for the better.  You both will know when the time and the relationship is right.  Take the leap, click on PetFinder and see who's looking for you.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Puppy Pictures

Some puppy pictures over the last few days to share on the Saturday Pet Blogger Hop.  As much as I love my puppies and spring -- I don't know that I love the combination!  I have laundered more towels this week than I care to think about!!!
We love our toys!

Husker and Zip "pool side" in our backyard!

Even growing puppies sometimes need their "daily box time!"  L to R -- Dollie, Elphie, Nellie, and Zip hiding the back.


Dollie and Elphie